Note: Author ordering on all papers is alphabetical, as is convention in OR/MS. (C) and (J) denote the preliminary peer-reviewed conference version and the full journal version, respectively.
Accepted Papers
- Loot Box Pricing and Design with Ningyuan Chen, Adam N. Elmachtoub, and Xiao Lei. [Direct Link] [Slides] [Code]
- (J) Management Science (Dec. 2020)
- (C) Accepted in The 21st ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 2020.
- Finalist, 2021 CSAMSE Conference Best Paper Award.
- 1st Place, IBM Best Student Paper Award in Service Science, 2019.
- The Value of Personalized Pricing with Adam N. Elmachtoub and Vishal Gupta. [Direct Link] [Slides] [Code]
- (J) Management Science (April 2021)
- (C) Accepted in The 15th Conference on Web and Internet Economics (WINE), 2019.
- Finalist, INFORMS Service Science Cluster Best Paper Award, 2018.
- The Power of Opaque Products in Pricing with Adam N. Elmachtoub. [Direct Link] [Slides] [Code]
- (J) Management Science (Jan. 2021)
- (C) Accepted in The 13th Conference on Web and Internet Economics (WINE), 2017.
- Feature article. Selected for Management Science Review Blog
Working Papers
- Optimal Feature-Based Market Segmentation and Pricing w/ Titing Cui. [Slides][Code]
- (J) Major Revision at Operations Research.
- (C) Accepted in The 18th Conference on Web and Internet Economics (WINE), 2022.
- Third Place, INFORMS Service Science Cluster Best Paper Award, 2022.
- Platform Design with Prosocial Participants: Lessons from 412Connect w/ Alex DiChristofano, Qiqi Hao, and Sera Linardi. [Slides]
- (J) Major Revision at Operations Research.
- (C) Accepted in The 1st ACM Conference on Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization (EAAMO), 2021. Oral Presentation. Previously titled Project 412Connect: Bridging Students and Communities
- New Horizons Award for Bridging Research and Practice at EAAMO’21
- Churning while Experimenting: Maximizing User Engagement in Recommendation Platforms w/ Raghav Singal. [Slides]
- (J) Submitted.
- (C) Accepted in The 20th Conference on Web and Internet Economics (WINE), 2024.
- Finalist, 2020 RMP Data-Driven Research Challenge.
- The Effects of Competition on Corporate Sustainability w/ Titing Cui, Esther Gal-Or, Mike Gordon, and Jennifer Shang. [Slides][Code] [Video]
- (J) Submitted.
- (C) Accepted in The 3rd ACM Conference on Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization (EAAMO), 2023.
- Pricing Online Dating Subscriptions w/ Titing Cui. [Slides]
- (J) Submitted.
- Finalist, POMS College of Service Operations Management (CSOM) Best Student Paper, 2024.
- Fresh Rating Systems: Structure, Incentives, and Fees w/ Titing Cui. [Slides][Code]
- (J) Submitted.
- Finalist, POMS College of Service Operations Management (CSOM) Best Student Paper, 2025.
- Can Price Discrimination be Progressive w/ Max Biggs, Titing Cui and Enfeng Xing. [Slides][Code]
- (J) Submitted.
Work in Progress
- Unit-Demand Pricing for Min-Buying Customers w/ Jourdain Lamperski and Kasra Tari. [Slides]
- Managing Trade-offs Between Revenue, Access and Market Balance on Online Dating Platforms w/ Titing Cui and Qiqi Hao.
- Optimal Release Scheduling for Digital Media w/ Mike Gordon, Jennifer Shang and Kasra Tari.